Furniture & Mattress Store Owners: Hire Studettes & Studs!

Salespeople are the Olympic athletes of the business world. You cannot create a superior customer experience with ordinary salespeople. Reread that. Let it sink in. I am sure throughout this book I have challenged you to think differently about your store.

I am really going to surprise you with this one, so sit down and get ready to probably throw this book across the room. You will not like what I have to say but you need to hear it and implement this or take this book and throw it out and curse me.

Why do I need to hire studettes and studs? Nothing that is worthwhile in this life comes easy. If you are trying to be the best store it simply isn’t possible to get there without truly great sales professionals. They are hard to come by and even harder to keep. You can do it if you do a few critical things. Are you ready?

First and foremost be picky. If something is bothering you in your gut just pass. It might mean you work a few more long weeks on the floor but that is preferable to hiring the wrong sales professional.

Here is where you throw the book out. You must become the best answer to a true retail sales professional’s quest. What is their quest? To be respected, appreciated, and yes cared for to the point that they feel loved. You must give a lot to get a lot. There is no other way.

If you make a salesperson feel all those things they will never leave you. I am sure that you have been shocked and surprised in a bad way by many salespeople. You have to let that go and strive to have the best salespeople. A big part of being able to hire the best is your store’s ability to deliver the best income producing opportunity available in the area with a great supportive, and yes, even loving work environment. Ask yourself, “what is the most I can pay for a great salesperson?” Are you still with me?

I didn’t say it was going to be easy because it isn’t. The only way you will ever liberate yourself to not be chained to your store is to hire, train, and retain a superior sales staff. There is no other way. The great Dan Kennedy always talks about working on your business not in it.

When you have the best sales professionals, you will be able to get some time away from the store so you can have the space and perspective to really work on your business instead of getting drawn into every bit of drama that humans create. I literally could write an entire book just on this subject but we must move on to our last chapter.


  1. Hey Pete, how the hell are you? I didnt thriw the book( well my phone) out when reading your sales advice. Actually quite sound.Found this on facebook thru Allen Brown. I Was looking for your brother Nice surprise to see you, and your success! Be well I hope the rest of your family is good.Been a long,long time .

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