Furniture & Mattress Store Owners: The Secret to Eliminating Competition

The secret to eliminating your competition is to market to your customer with information instead of with price discounting. When you advertise with mass media do you know how many people are in the market at one time? It’s between 1 to 5% for mattresses. If you market with an information offer you can start to capture your customer’s attention before they are in the shopping stage. If your competitors only advertise to 1 to 5% of the market and you advertise to 100%, everything else being equal, who wins? That’s right, you!

This allows you to shape the conversation and position your store as the authority and the expert. That’s part of how you eliminate your competition. With your merchandising and display you can further differentiate your store from your competitors.

A customer focused sales process that is in sync with your advertising is the critical piece where many stores fall down. Your salespeople must know exactly what the customer has seen and heard from your advertising department so they can continue to deliver a consistent experience to the customer.