Furniture & Mattress Store Owners: Define Your Ideal Customer

Having a crystal-clear picture of your ideal target market is critically important when developing marketing campaigns and promotions that get results.

Let me clarify this with a more practical example. I love to fish and I like to go fishing for many different types of fish.

Each type of fish and environment requires me to use a specific type of fishing rod and bait. A small rod and worm will not work when trying to attract a large catfish or walleye. Since I know what I am going after, I know what to use.

Good effective marketing is no different. I need to know who I’m trying to attract before I can start, so I can use the right offer (the bait) and the right media (the rod) to find them and land them as a customer.

Invest in the time to analyze your best customer and the people you like doing business with. Create a profile of this person (income level, education, where they live, what they do, etc.) and develop marketing campaigns and strategies to find more of them. Your customer profile will change over time for a variety of reasons. The great retailers change their marketing, merchandising, display, sales training as well as their policies and procedures to be in sync with their consumer base. They do not change because of opinions or guess work. They change because of data that they constantly collect and analyze.